The control of pancreatic secretion is performed mainly through 2 hormones. 胰腺的分泌作用主要为两种激素控制。
Disturbances of pancreatic hormones and plasma amino acids imbalance and their interrelationship in chronic liver diseases 慢性肝病时胰腺激素紊乱和血浆氨基酸失衡及其关系的研究
Study on Changes of Plasma Stress Hormones of Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis and Pancreatic Hormones in Acute Cerebral Infarction 急性脑梗死HPA轴激素与胰腺内分泌变化的研究
Observation on the Effects of Pancreatic Hormones on DNA Synthesis of Hepatocytes 胰腺激素对肝细胞DNA合成影响的实验观察
The "nonfunctional" pancreatic endocrine neoplasma only showed weak positive for individual hormones. 无功能性肿瘤仅表现个别激素的弱阳性。
Objective To study the changes of plasma stress hormones of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal ( HPA) axis and pancreatic hormones in acute cerebral infarction ( ACI) and its mechanism. 目的:研究急性脑梗死(ACI)下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺(HPA)轴激素与胰腺内分泌的变化,以探讨其发病机理。